Allow me to feed your head. Come feast on a multitude of sensations bring you into earth and sky, fire and water. Find yourself closer to a place of insight, already existing within your mind. Explore life’s innate memories (four billion years old). Memories which are so deeply coded inside your dna, will rise to the surface. Confront an alien perspective that will have you pondering your place in the universe. After your encounters with Helios, Flora, and Fauna you will happen upon Luna. Her reflection blazoned in the parabolic mirror. Mere poems you say? More akin to a strange journey leading to the realization that people are a part of nature, not apart from nature. Suddenly, everything has changed as you become the transparent eyeball. A bird flies by. Sky is desired by Mountain Lake. Egret takes a mate. Nightjar calls. Spider dreams.
My first ebook of poetry is now published. A sample can be viewed before deciding to purchase at Smashwords. At this time, a copy can also be purchased at Apple’s iBookstore, Barnes & Noble, and Kobo. If you choose to purchase ($1.99) and like it, a review of my work would be appreciated.
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